Monday, July 28, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy each other's company. It is important to have racial harmony because without racial harmony we will have fights and wars because two races can't accept each other. I think the different races get along in my neighbourhood and school. I have a few friends from different races. I got to meet my first friend from a different race when Ii was K1. We can help to keep racial harmony by getting along with other people from other races.

Monday, July 14, 2008

cyber bullying

Cyberbullying is bullying people online by calling the person names, blocking him/her from things like chats. Some people cyberbully other people because they think other people will think the cyberbully is cool. You can stop the cyberbullying in different ways like ignoring the cyberbully if the cyberbully has no one to bully he will stop cyberbullying.


Netiquette is important when you are chatting online. If there was no such thing as netiquette people would be saying a lot of bad things about other people. Some people don't observe netiquette and say bad things about other people and the other person feels upset. If you were the other person you would also feel upset so think about what you post if you wouldn't like to be sent that message why would the other person like the message.

My Songs