Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I checked Wikipedia. An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. People can stay in their homes if there is an earthquake because it may be safer. If there are parts of the ceiling falling , you can hide under a strong table.

Scientists can detect earthquakes by using a device called a seismometer. Earthquakes have usually occurred in the countries inside the earthquake zone. Some of the countries that are in the earthquake are China and Japan. I don't think there will be an earthquake in Singapore because Singapore is not in the earthquake zone. However Singapore will sometimes vibrate because the earthquakes nearby are very strong.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Fractured Elbow

My elbow is fractured because my classmate, Rishi, accidentally pushed me while he was playing catching with other boys. The lady in the office sprayed something on my arm and told me it was a muscle pull. Mummy said the lady at the office should not have assumed it was a muscle pull because if she rubbed a fracture too hard, it would have been displaced and I would have to go for an operation to fix it.

My mother brought me to my doctor and I had to have an x-ray done. The x-ray report said that there was no obvious fracture. To be safer, the doctor asked us to visit a bone specialist to check my arm because I was in alot of pain. Before we went to the bone specialist, Mummy brought me to have lunch at Ajisen Ramen to cheer me up.

When the bone specialist saw my x-ray results, he said I had fractured my elbow. It was a minor injury, but he had to my arm in a cast and gave me a sling to wear. He said the cast had to be on for three weeks but it would only heal for about 73% after those three weeks. For these two more weeks I can't do a lot.

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