Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My School Holidays

During my school holidays, I went to Chiangmai, Thailand, with my family. We had to wake up at 6am because our flight was at 8.50am. We didn't go to the usual airport terminal, but to Jet Quay Terminal. It was like a VIP terminal, and there were massage chairs for us to use, and food and drink for us too. When it was time to board the aeoroplane, special buggies took us to the boarding gate. We felt very important because of the special treatment we got.

When we reached Chiangmai airport, there was a coach waiting for us. First the coach brought us to our hotel. Our hotel was called the Shangri-La Hotel which means 'heaven on earth'. When we got there, they welcomed us with drinks and wet towels. The hotel rooms were very nice and comfortable.

After we checked in and cleaned up, we went to a Teochew restaurant to have lunch. We went back to the hotel to sleep after that because we were all very tired. For dinner we went to a traditional Thai restaurant - Khantoke. While we ate, there were people performing for us. It was interesting, but the food was not very good.

After dinner, we released a lantern into the sky. The Thai people believe that releasing the lantern means releasing our worries and troubles away.

The next day, we went to a Thai temple. We had to take a cable car up to the top. There were many bells around the temple. The guide told us that ringing the bells will bring good luck and blessings.

For lunch we went to a restaurant called 'Mushroom Suki'. Then we went to the Saa Paper Factory where we saw how they made the paper, umbrellas and fans. There were many steps to making the umbrella. We chose our umbrellas which Mummy bought and we asked the artist to help us paint pictures on them.

Then, we went to see the Thai Celadon factory where they made pottery. My Aunty bought a tea set with a few cups. Next, we went to a bee farm. The lady told us about the many different products made by bees like honey, pollen and royal jelly. The lady also showed us bee footprints on the pollen. We had to strain our eyes to see them. Mummy thought they were very cute. Mummy bought honey because she said it was good quality and she also bought bee pollen to try because the lady said it was good for slimming and for the tummy. Aunty also bought honey ice-cream for all of us. That night, we ate dinner at a traditional Thai restaurant next to a river.

When we went back to the hotel we slept immediately because the next day we would have to wake up early to go to another town called Chiangrai. There, we went to see a white temple. The entrance to the temple had scultures of many skulls and hands. It was supposed to be hell, and the guide said that people never walked back in the opposite direction.

After walking around the temple, we had lunch at a coffee shop next to the temple. Next, we went to the Opium Hall, which is an opium museum. Opium was a kind of drug a long time ago and is now not allowed in Thailand anymore. In the past, people got opium from a plant called the poppy. The poppy can be used for medicine, but people abused it. We also went to the border between Thailand and Myanmar. I waited with Daddy and my youngest brother in the coach while the others went to walk around and take photos. Then we went back to the hotel. The drive back was very long and we fell asleep. We were so tired that we ordered room service for dinner.

The next day, we went to the Shinawatra Silk Factory. There were many people spinning silk from the thread that they got from the silk worm cocoons. There are yellow silk cocoons as well as white ones.

After that, we went to the Tiger Kingdom to see the tigers. Mummy didn't allow us to touch the tigers because she was afraid they would bite us. We ate lunch at the restaurant there before going to the see the Long Neck tribes. We saw many people dressed in traditional costumes and also many animals like chicken and cows, etc.

We went go-karting after that. My brother, Ethan, and my cousin had accidents. Ethan hurt his hand and had many scratches and cuts all over. Daddy and I rode in the Zorb Ball. They strapped us in the ball and rolled us down a small hill. It was fun! Next we played paint-ball but we shot targets instead of each other. That night, we went for dinner at the Teochew restaurant again because my grandfather liked the food.

The next day Mummy and Aunty went shopping. We met them for lunch at a restaurant called SNP. We went back to the hotel and rested for a while before going to the airport. We said goodbye to our guide and boarded our flight. It was a fun holiday. I want to go back there again for the go-karting and other games!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Mummy

My Mummy spends a lot of her time with us. Sometimes she will take us rollerblading at Bishan park during weekdays. She buys the things we want for us with the little bit of money Daddy gives her each month. She also teaches us and helps us when we do not know what the question means. Since she stopped work she doesn't have her own money now.She is the one that arranges timetables for us. She also arranges when and where we will go to during the holidays. She likes Doraemon.She says she is like Doraemon.

When we go on holidays we will sometimes bring my grandfather along. During alternate weekends my grandfather will come to our house.

My Mummy plays with us computer games sometimes.

My Mummy can cook a lot of things. She learnt her cooking skills from my maternal grandmother. Sometimes she makes some interesting and delicious things like pizza together with us.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sports Day

I did not attend our schools sports day because I was ill and tired and wanted to stay at home to rest. Sports day would be more interesting if the spectators could participate in more activities other than that volleyball game with that big ball. The spectators usually just sit there and cheer throughout the whole event. This can become very boring and make our voices hoarse.

I think engaging in sports is important because we need to keep fit and it is also useful. For example, if you learn swimming, you can save someone who is in danger of being drowned. we also need to keep our bodies healthy and have some fun in our lives.

Every Monday and Thursday nights, my younger brother and I attend Taekwondo training. We have the junior black belt, which is poom belt, for those who are under 16 years old. When we reach 16 years old, we can take the grading exam to get the adult black belt.

We attended in-line skating lessons in February every weekend. We stopped the lessons for a month so that we can practise urban skating on our own before attending the higher level lessons to learn other skills such as turnings and going backwards. I can skate on my own now, but I hope to get more stable and confident and skate faster.

Sometimes we go kayaking at Seletar Reservoir. My Daddy will usually rent a two seater kayak. We need to where a life jacket before we get into the kayak. We will get tired and thirsty after our turns thats why we each take turns to kayak. Sometimes the person renting the kayak gets a lightning warning and won't let us rent a kayak until the lightning warning is over. sometimes we play at the little fitness corner.

Sometimes my younger brother, me and my daddy go down to the tennis court to play badminton because there is no badminton court at our condo. Sometimes we also go to the playground near our grandfather's house to play badminton too.

I have also been attending swimming CCA on Fridays for almost a year. Sometimes Mummy or Daddy will bring us to the lap pool at our condo to swim laps now I can swim 1 lap of the longest and deepest pool without stopping. I like to swim with my brother and my Daddy. I hope to learn other swimming techniques other than freestyle backstroke and butterfly. Mummy says she wants us to learn swimming so that we can resue her if there is a flood or something as she cannot swim.

If our school can get more coaches to teach us different sports than the students would know what kind of sports they like and what kind of sports they dislike. Than they could ask their parents whether they could participate in those activities they liked.


The school gets pupils to read so they can learn more words. They can also learn many other things by reading books. I like this because it helps to start up my brain in the morning.

I like reading because I get to learn more words. Some stories are also very interesting and fun to read. Reading also helps us to develop a good imagination, especially when we read books about things that cannot happen in reality.

I like to read adventure books like "Harry Potter", "The Secret Seven" and "Mr Midnight" because they are exciting. For example, in "Harry Potter", the wizards and witches have different powers. The way the author describes the spells and characters is very vivid and realistic. In "The Secret Seven", the characters are only children, but they are able to solve mysteries very cleverly. This is very interesting and makes me wish I could be like them.

I think reading will help me with my schoolwork because I learn more words and I can widen your vocabulary. I can also improve on my writing skills if I can learn to write the way the authors write in order to make my compositions more exciting and interesting. I can also improve my English language.

The school can encourage pupils to read by getting more books for the library and having some incentives for students who read more books.

I like to read the book "Harry Potter". It was written by J.K Rowling. I like the book because it is exciting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Outdoor Activities

Every Monday and Thursday nights, my brother and I attend Taekwondo training. We just got our Poom belts after the grading exam in Jan 09. The Poom belt is the junior black belt for children under 16 years old. When we are 16 years old, we can take the grading exam to get the adult black belt. Each lesson is about 1.5 hours, but the instructors sometimes keep us back for about 2 hours. We started these lessons because Mummy wanted us to learn something for self-defence. But, we must remember not to use our Taekwondo moves to attack people.

Every Wednesday and Saturday, I have Chinese class at my tutor's house. Each lesson is about 1.5 hours. I have these lessons to help me improve my Chinese and I can ask my tutor questions when I am not sure.

On Sundays, my brother and I go for art class at Crestar. I like this class because the teacher is good and creative. He always has interesting art projects for us to do. For example, he got us to use joss-sticks to burn holes across the lines of pictures on paper. This was fun and interesting because it was a new experience and a new way of doing art. My favourite time is when we make things using clay. So far, we have made pigs, dragons, snowmen and many other cute things. The art class is about 1.5 hours.

On 7th February, my father started to bring my brother and me inline skating at Bishan Park. We needed to wake up at 7.30am. We tried to wear our own protective gear but our knee guards were too small so we used the ones at Bishan Park. At first I kept falling down but after that I only fell if I was careless but my brother didn't fall as often as I did because he had already learnt inline skating in school last year. I usually spend 1 hour on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday on this activity.

I think some of these activities are necessary for me. Taekwondo is for self-defence, so I think it is necessary. I can protect myself from bad people or bullies. Chinese tuition is also necessary for me to keep up with my school work and improve my Chinese. I don't think art class is necessary but Mummy lets us attend it because we like it. Inline skating is not necessary, but I think it is fun and I get some exercise.

These activities don't affect my school work/studies because some of them help me with my school work, and I get to exercise regularly. I also enjoy them.

I think pupils should have activities outside of school because they can learn new things instead of being square...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Target Setting

The purpose of setting targets is to try to achieve them. I think setting targets is useful because you can see if you are trying hard enough. It also helps us to continue improving. It gives us something to look forward to.

I set my targets by looking at last year's results and increasing it by at least 5 marks per subject. I decided on 5 marks because I feel that it is achievable.

I am doing a lot of work at home and going for Chinese tuition to get better marks this year. I will also revise and read my school books every week to see if there is anything that I am not sure of. I can then ask my parents for help. I will also try to learn from my mistakes.

My parents are helping me by teaching me what I don't know. Mummy marks my assessment books and papers and checks my homework. Mummy also gives me time to watch TV and play games. Daddy also brings my brother and me out on weekends for leisure activities. This is so that we lead a more well-balanced life and don't spend all our time just studying.

I will try to make studying more fun and remember that I can do better if I try. I must also remember that once I finish my work, I have time to play. That way, I will be more motivated to study and do well.

I think the school can help us by giving us more challenging homework.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Total Defence Day

Total defence is very important to me. If there is a war, I will defend my family. I will defend them by protecting them from other people that are trying to attack them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reuse Reduce & Recycle

We should reuse reduce and recycle to protect the earth from dying. Some people pollute the environment like throwing plastic bags into the sea. If turtles mistake them for jellyfish, they will eat the plastic bags and they might suffocate to death. We should reuse plastic bottles so that we can protect the environment. We should use a plastic bag for as many things as we can put inside. There is already a hole in the o-zone layer so everyone should do their part to prevent the hole from getting bigger.

For more information what we can each do for the environment, go to the NEA website.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Reflection on School Mission,Vision and Values

Anderson Primary School's Mission is "Providing quality education to equip pupils with the values, knowledge and skills for the 21st Century."

Our Vision is "A School of Distinction Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of Character".

Our Motto is "Courage & Sincerity".

Our Core Values can be remembered as SPICES:
  • Self-Discipline
  • Passion for Learning
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Excellence
  • Sincerity

I am not really very sure what the Mission and Vision are, but Mummy told us that every school should have a Mission so that the principal, teachers and office staff all have the same understanding of what the school is working towards in the future. The students may not really understand the Mission and Vision, but they can understand what the values mean to each of them.

I believe in the school values because we can learn to be better people by practising and living our lives according to the values. If we can be self-disciplined and have passion for learning and ensure excellence in whatever we do, we can achieve good results. If we have integrity and courage, we always tell the truth and don't lie even if we have to admit our wrong-doings. If we are sincere to people, people will trust us more.

Sometimes, we will think of the school values when engaging in activities outside or inside of school. For example, some students do volunteer work outside of school because they remember that we should be sincere and help the community. Sometimes, students may forget the school values and do bad things, like littering or being nasty to others, etc. My parents help to remind us about the school values.

Teachers can help students to learn and remember the values by praising students who show the school values in their actions. These students' good deeds can be showcased in each class to encourage other students to also do the same.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Targets for 2009 SA1

I will study hard and pay attention in class so I will get the marks I want.

The Piano Player

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Trip to Japan

During the holidays, I went to Japan with my family. I was very excited as it was my first trip on an aeroplane. My brother and I threw up during the flight. When the plane landed at Narita Airport in Japan, we went to claim our luggage.

After that we took a bus to our hotel. Our hotel was Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa. On the first day we just rested in the hotel.

On the second day, we went to Disneyland. There were many rides but we only went on some. My baby brother was very scared on some rides. He liked the carousel the most. We watched the Electric Parade before going back to the hotel. Mummy took a funny video of Ethan pretending to be electrocuted, but it's sideways.

The next day, we went to Disney Sea. My mummy, grandfather and baby brother didn't go on many rides. Daddy, my second brother and I went on many rides. Our favourite rides were "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Indiana Jones". During the ride "Journey to the Center of the Earth", the cart suddenly sped up and flew out of the place we were in. In "Indiana Jones" there were sharp turns and mechanical bugs. The two rides were very thrilling.

The next day we went on a tour of Mt Fuji. We spent the night in a hotel called Kowakien at Hakone. On the fifth day we took a lot of trains to get to our last hotel back in Tokyo called Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa. It was a very tiring day and we all slept like babies that night.

On the last day we went shopping. We left the hotel empty-handed and returned with our hands full of stuff. After that we went to the airport and took the plane back to Singapore. I hope we can go on more trips because it was fun.

My Songs