Friday, March 13, 2009

Sports Day

I did not attend our schools sports day because I was ill and tired and wanted to stay at home to rest. Sports day would be more interesting if the spectators could participate in more activities other than that volleyball game with that big ball. The spectators usually just sit there and cheer throughout the whole event. This can become very boring and make our voices hoarse.

I think engaging in sports is important because we need to keep fit and it is also useful. For example, if you learn swimming, you can save someone who is in danger of being drowned. we also need to keep our bodies healthy and have some fun in our lives.

Every Monday and Thursday nights, my younger brother and I attend Taekwondo training. We have the junior black belt, which is poom belt, for those who are under 16 years old. When we reach 16 years old, we can take the grading exam to get the adult black belt.

We attended in-line skating lessons in February every weekend. We stopped the lessons for a month so that we can practise urban skating on our own before attending the higher level lessons to learn other skills such as turnings and going backwards. I can skate on my own now, but I hope to get more stable and confident and skate faster.

Sometimes we go kayaking at Seletar Reservoir. My Daddy will usually rent a two seater kayak. We need to where a life jacket before we get into the kayak. We will get tired and thirsty after our turns thats why we each take turns to kayak. Sometimes the person renting the kayak gets a lightning warning and won't let us rent a kayak until the lightning warning is over. sometimes we play at the little fitness corner.

Sometimes my younger brother, me and my daddy go down to the tennis court to play badminton because there is no badminton court at our condo. Sometimes we also go to the playground near our grandfather's house to play badminton too.

I have also been attending swimming CCA on Fridays for almost a year. Sometimes Mummy or Daddy will bring us to the lap pool at our condo to swim laps now I can swim 1 lap of the longest and deepest pool without stopping. I like to swim with my brother and my Daddy. I hope to learn other swimming techniques other than freestyle backstroke and butterfly. Mummy says she wants us to learn swimming so that we can resue her if there is a flood or something as she cannot swim.

If our school can get more coaches to teach us different sports than the students would know what kind of sports they like and what kind of sports they dislike. Than they could ask their parents whether they could participate in those activities they liked.

1 comment:

Steph said...

So in future I'll have 4 of you to rescue me if Singapore sinks...Each of you can hold up one of my limbs...:P

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